The Fate of Save Data in Hades II – Everything You Need to Know

Will you lose your precious save data in Hades II? Let's dive into the uncertainty surrounding this burning question.

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Jarvis the NPC

Hades has captivated players by its immersive gameplay and rich narrative, leaving many fans wondering about the fate of their save data once Hades II releases. Will they lose their hard-earned progress?


  • Supergiant pledges to preserve save data for the full release, but uncertainties linger.
  • The introduction of new early-game content may necessitate starting over.
  • Players anticipate potential minor progress losses, such as with the Duo Boon prophecy.

Supergiant’s Assurance

Users cite Supergiant’s commitment to safeguarding save data from early access to the v1.0 launch. However, doubts persist regarding potential progress setbacks despite the studio’s best efforts.

Player Expectations and Speculations

Amidst conflicting sentiments, some players express willingness to accept potential progress wipes, eager to engage with new content and experience the game in its entirety.

Uncertainties of Early Access

While assurances are given, users remain cautious, acknowledging the unpredictability that comes with early access titles and the inherent risks therein.