The Fortnite Community Speaks Out: A Case for the ‘Vote Kick’ System

Fortnite players share their thoughts about the potential addition of a 'Vote Kick' system in game.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the midst of the ever-humming world of Fortnite chatter, a post by user ‘Shavixinio’ has sparked a firestorm of debate. Shavixinio pleads for the addition of a ‘Vote Kick’ system, stating that such a feature could resolve half of the “Save The World” gameplay issues.


  • ‘Shavixinio’ believes a ‘Vote Kick’ system could combat rampant AFK (away from keyboard) issues and deliberate in-game sabotage.
  • Several users express concerns about potential abuse of the system.
  • Alternatives and other potential solutions are discussed.

Concerns About a ‘Vote Kick’ System

Many Fortnite players express fears in their comments about abuse should a ‘Vote Kick’ system be implemented. ‘Alpineodin’ provides a scenario, dubbed by me as ‘The Vicious Duo Strategy’, where two friends join the game and systematically vote out the other two players just before the game ends, thus depriving them of rewards. ‘shamelessthrowaway54’ echoes this concern.

Alternatives to ‘Vote Kick’

Not all users in the thread are against action, but they do propose alternative solutions. As explained by ‘3nderF0x’, the ‘Idle Timer’ feature has proven effective in combatting AFK players. Moreover, he mentions that a potentially toxic ‘vote to kick’ system could be replaced with an improved reporting feature, which he believes could vastly improve these issues.

‘Vote Kick’ versus ‘Idle Kick’… The Eternal Struggle

‘Glory_To_Atom’ argues that developers have been reluctant to introduce such a system due to potential abuse. On the other hand, ‘Papilla64’ suggests that players should at least have the ability to kick disruptive individuals from their own storm shield defenses. This, according to ‘Papilla64’, would reduce sabotage. It seems that opinions regarding player control over kicking others are divided.

As we push through the waves of zombines (or ‘husks’), learn to handle new weapons and survive in the chaotic environment of Fortnite, understanding the community sentiments on player behavior and game management can lead to more enjoyable and fair gameplay. Is a ‘Vote Kick’ the answer, or would more fortress ugly scenarios arise? This, fellow Fortnite warriors, is a tale of lobbying, kicking and complex social dynamics. Stay sharp, and remember – the Storm’s always coming.