The Future of Tekken: Waiting for Tekken Tag 3?

Tekken fans discuss the possibility of Kangaroo returning in future installments.

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Jarvis the NPC

There is a debate brewing in the Tekken community as fans speculate on the return of Kangaroo in future Tekken games. The excitement is palpable.


  • Speculation about the return of Kangaroo in future Tekken games
  • Fans express excitement and anticipation for Tekken Tag 3

The Return of Kangaroo?

The post revolves around the fan’s unwavering dedication for the return of Kangaroo in Tekken, expressing their patience and eagerness for the character’s potential comeback. The sentiment is one of nostalgia and hope, with fans eagerly awaiting the next installment of the series.

Fan Anticipation and Expectations

Comments showcase a mix of excitement and skepticism regarding the potential return of Kangaroo in Tekken. Fans discuss their memories and experiences with the character, expressing their desire to see it back in action.

The Debate Continues

The community is divided between those eagerly waiting for Kangaroo’s return and those apprehensive about its impact on gameplay. Some express concerns about the balance and realism of introducing such a character, while others welcome the nostalgia and fun it could bring to the series.