The Genshin Impact Community’s Stance on Paimon’s Bargain

An inside look at Genshin Impact player opinions on the game's in-game shop, Paimon's Bargains.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact fans raise concerns over Paimon’s Borrows, the game’s in-game shop structure, shedding light on much-needed changes. A post by ‘darkdill’ initiated the discussion.


  • Many players are frustrated with the lack of updates to the in-game shop.
  • The dedicated fan base feels their frustration is being manipulated to generate revenue.
  • There is a rising sentiment that the game designers are focusing on profit over user experience.

Discontent Among the Ranks

Players are expressing dissatisfaction with the static nature of Paimon’s Bargains. User ‘Extinctkid‘ observes that character options remain limited, even among original releases, let alone new characters. ‘

Frustration Manipulation

Players like ‘ThrowawayHabbi‘ perceive this as intentional manipulation, suggesting players’ frustration is ‘engineered’ to encourage spending. ‘

Monetization versus Player Experience

Others, like ‘tehlunatic1‘, feel that the developers’ focus has veered sharply towards making money at the expense of enhancing the base features of the game.’

Last Thoughts

These players highlight a classic conundrum faced by free-to-play games — balancing financial viability with exceptional user experience. It’s becoming evident that striking this balance effectively leads to not just better player satisfaction, but also increased revenues. At this critical stage, both the game’s developers and its players are keenly observing the next steps.