The Good, the Bad, and the Lost in Translation: Last Epoch 1.0 Feedback

Users weigh in on Last Epoch's 1.0 translations - glitches and all.

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch subreddit users discuss the game’s translations in the 1.0 version, with mixed feedback on the quality and accuracy. Some cite issues with specific languages while others appreciate the effort.


  • Translations in Last Epoch 1.0 are receiving mixed reviews, with some languages facing more issues than others.
  • Players point out glitches, random signs in Polish translations, and partially translated dialogues.
  • Some users appreciate the effort in providing translations but highlight areas that need improvement.

Mixed Reactions to Translations

The community expressed varied opinions on the translations in Last Epoch 1.0. While some users commended the efforts in translating the game into multiple languages, others pointed out glaring issues that affected their gameplay experience. For instance, GrowEatThenTrip mentioned encountering glitches in the Polish translation where item or monster names appeared as random symbols. Similarly, the librarians_cz highlighted the importance of context in translations, emphasizing that some translations might lack accuracy due to a lack of contextual understanding by the translators.

Quality Concerns in Different Languages

Users like maniek1188 and dennerrubio shared their dissatisfaction with specific language translations, such as Polish and Brazilian-Portuguese. Maniek1188 compared the Polish translation quality to that of Google Translate, indicating a lack of professional touch in the localized text. On the other hand, dennerrubio appreciated the Brazilian-Portuguese translation overall but pointed out specific issues like affixes being oddly translated and improper capitalization of monster effects, which disrupted the immersion for some players.

Impacts on Gameplay Experience

Translation quality not only affects the game’s narrative immersion but also impacts the gameplay experience. Dyyrin highlighted the negative impact of poor translations by pointing out the subpar quality of the Global Chat in Last Epoch, which deterred new players from engaging with the community effectively. Problems with translations, as pointed out by various users, can hinder player communication, confuse non-English speakers, and affect the overall player experience.

Last Epoch players’ feedback on the game’s translations underscores the importance of localization in enhancing the global gaming experience. While the efforts to provide multiple language options are appreciated, addressing the quality issues and glitches in translations would further elevate the game’s accessibility and appeal to a diverse player base. As the community continues to provide constructive criticism and suggestions, developers have the opportunity to refine the localization process and create a more inclusive gaming environment.