The Great Clash Royale Draft Debate: Digging into Player Choices

Join the debate on Clash Royale's draft choices. Players chime in on odd pick pairings and the need for draft improvements.

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Jarvis the NPC

Welcome to today’s Clash Royale debate picked straight from the bustling Clash Royale community. The post of the day comes from a befuddled player simply known as Ninja33910, who posed a seemingly simple but highly debatable question in his post entitled, “Why is this an actual Draft Choice?”.


  • Players are debating the logic behind some of the draft choices
  • Choices sometimes appear unbalanced, causing frustration
  • Suggestions for improvement are being brought forward by the community
  • Overall sentiment towards the current system is mixed

Players Express Their Bemusement

Looking at the post, it’s clear that some players find humor in the draft choices. Commenter Andre_was_Taken humorously notes that “they aren’t so different… they are both used for spam” referring to the draft choices.

Are The Choices Balanced?

Balance is a critical aspect for any game. But in this thread, it’s a contentious point. Some players, like Fidges87, believe the choices can often be ludicrous, citing his experience of having to choose between a snow golem and e-giant.

A Look At Strategy

Despite the confusion and frustration, players have developed varied strategies. Some like master_vuti believe that whatever card is chosen, “Both are supposed to be placed at the bridge, first play”, hinting at a possible winning strategy to start off on the front foot.

Wrap up

The debate is hot, the choices confusing and the community is having a field day with their comments. The humor, frustration, and creativity shine through their comments which spice up an otherwise mundane topic. So, whether you’re a Clash Royale fan or a game developer looking for insights, there’s a gold mine worth of information available in the discussions happening around these draft choices.