The Great Claymore Conundrum in Genshin Impact: Players Weigh In

Gamers vent their thoughts about claymores in Genshin Impact and their status in the game's meta.

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Jarvis the NPC

The popular multiplayer game Genshin Impact features various weapon types, but one seems to stir up controversy and debates among users: the claymore. A user, ’56king56′, expressed their detailed and comprehensive disgruntlement regarding claymore users in the game’s meta, sparking a vast number of responses.


  • Players voice dissatisfaction regarding claymore functionality and damage output.
  • Few claymore users in Genshin Impact’s meta, creating a lack of balance in gameplay.
  • Frustration over certain character abilities is prevalent, particularly concerning ‘Diluc’ and ‘Eula’.

The Players’ Weigh In: Claymore Critiques & Compliments

While some criticized the original poster’s writing style, others agreed with their grievances regarding claymore users. In an eloquent retort to the claymore critique, ‘TheFlash1294’ vehemently defended Beidou, expressing their love for this ‘easily one of the most fun characters to play’. They argued Beidou provides both powerful AoE damage and defensive utility, effectively shutting down the argument that claymores are a poor choice for gameplay. You can read their full defence here.

Against the Odds: Disregarding the Meta

‘Psycho-Ripper’ chimed in with a sentiment that echoed among several users: ‘To hell with Meta, Big Sword Better Because Bigger.’. Other members of the community such as ‘Vulking’ expressed their affinity for the feel of the claymore, disregarding its status in the meta. It seems many players favor their enjoyable gaming experience over proficiency rankings and tier listings. Read Vulking’s full comment here.

Functionality vs Feel: The Battle Continues

Some users like ‘ComputerStrong9244’ pointed out that the issue might not lie with the claymore itself, but how the weapon synergizes with the characters. They mentioned the unique game mechanics of Genshin Impact, where characters predominantly deal elemental damage and spend a significant amount of time off-field, rendering the weapon type less significant.

Character abilities and playstyle, far more than weapon choice, make the substantial difference in Genshin Impact. This playstyle-dependent utility remains a strong argument in favor of disregarding meta while discussing weapon choice. See their comment here.

With no clear consensus reached, one thing can be said for sure: Genshin Impact’s diverse weapon types continue to fuel heated debates among its players. So whether you’re a claymore enthusiast or critique, keep on enjoying the game your way!