The Great Debate: Will Fortnite Bring Back Pets?

Will Fortnite fans ever see their beloved pets return to the game? The community weighs in on the possibility.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are divided on the topic of bringing back pets in the game. While some are hopeful for their return, others express doubts and offer creative solutions. Let’s dive into the discussion!


  • Players express mixed feelings about the potential return of pets.
  • Some suggest using pet accessories for charitable causes.
  • Concerns about the lack of new pet content in recent seasons are raised.

The Hopeful Ones

Among the community, there is a group eagerly waiting for the return of pets in Fortnite. User ‘williaminla’ expressed, ‘One of the reasons I’d start playing again is if they bring back pets.’ This sentiment resonated with many others hoping for the same.

The Skeptics Speak

On the other hand, some players like ‘ProdbyPyxlwhip’ believe that pets won’t return due to laziness on the developers’ part. They expressed their doubts by saying, ‘No cuz they’re lazy.’ This perspective contrasts sharply with the hopeful anticipation of others.

Creative Suggestions Abound

User ‘Manpons’ came up with a unique idea of bringing back pet backpacks for a charitable cause. They proposed, ‘Make players happy, make profit, and raise massive amounts for a good cause.’ This creative solution shows the community’s desire for pets to return in a meaningful way.

The discussion around pets in Fortnite continues to be a topic of interest for players, with opinions varying widely. Whether Epic Games will heed the community’s wishes and bring back pets remains to be seen.