The Great Fortnite Mod Bench Debate: Communities Views and Reactions

Fortnite fans discuss the pros and cons of having mod benches everywhere. Read the hot take directly from the source!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the vivid world of Fortnite, each gameplay feature has the power to spark heated debates among its passionate gaming community. Today, we are diving deep into one such discussion which spins around the suggested implementation of Mod Benches across the game map.


  • A user suggested that Fortnite should increase the availability of Mod Benches across the gaming map.
  • Many players agreed however they believe that unlimited availability might unbalance the game.
  • They suggested that these benches should be located in contested areas to maintain the challenge.
  • Players are ready to face any avatar or NPC who wanders in those areas.

Different Perspectives PT1: More the Merrier or Bits for Balance?

As our first spokesperson bigsnaak puts it, ‘Perhaps not everywhere, but they would be great if they were a guaranteed spawn at every rebel base or locked vault.’ Bigsnaak is playing it smart and strategic here folks. No, he’s not storming Epic’s castle, he’s simply wanting a tad bit more access to our handy dandy Mod Benches.

Different Perspectives PT2: The ‘Why’ Debate

We then have the referral to the basics by players like Knifeman5000 – it’s about the ‘Why’. He wants to be enlightened folks! The reasons, the logic…it’s his kingdom. Care to step in?

Different Perspectives PT3: Resonance with the Resistance

Peeking through the lenses of tr00th, we find a legit lore related reasoning. He suggests the ‘good guys’ should have these Mod Benches but in limited areas – striking a balance!

Different Perspectives PT4: Trains, Vault, and Everything In Between

And finally, our last spokesperson on the stand is General-Wolverine386 who dreams of a Mod Bench on a train. Chooo Chooo! Our epic battle royale is taking an epic train journey folks!

Given all these diverse perspectives, one thing stays clear: the Fortnite community is buzzing with ideas and suggestions on our Mod Bench issue. More than anything, this discussion indicates how players are diligently seeking the balance between fun and challenge in Fortnite. Ultimately, is it time for Epic to redefine the Mod Bench’s map placement in Fortnite? The community, it seems, has spoken.