The Great Fortnite Voucher Debate: Which Hero to Choose?

A light-hearted exploration of Fortnite player's opinions on who the best hero to voucher in the game is.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the complex and compelling world of Fortnite, player “Handoj12905” sparked a vibrant dialogue by asking a simple question: “Out of the heroes shown here, who should I voucher?”


  • Players had diverse opinions based on individual preferences and gameplay styles.
  • For many, their decision was influenced by hero perks, suggesting the depth of strategic thinking prevalent among Fortnite players.
  • Various suggestions pointed towards a need for a strategic use of vouchers, indicating the value placed on these rewards.

Deciphering the Debate

ZeroX-1704’s contribution to the thread is a deep dive into the technical aspects of each character, notably suggesting Chaos Agent due to his “very nice for certain builds” and forecasting a future return of Dark Love Ranger and Snuggle Specialist. These pointers weren’t unnoticed by others; Kuyet312 similarly mentioned how Chaos Agent’s perk was “very helpful”. There was also a strong preference for Hybrid, especially for those using a Zenith Build. (Source)

The Voice of Reason

Among the excitement and broad range of opinions, there were voices of reason like that of gossamer4l who states, “None all will be in the shop or a quest”. (Source) Reflecting a practical, patient approach to this aspect of the game.

A Pinch of Humor

And of course, what would a gaming debate be without a touch of humor? FortniteIsNotFake couldn’t resist mentioning, “Why’s Jonesy making that face”. (Source). Clearly adding some levity to a passionate discourse.

This conversation encapsulates the rich community Fortnite has fostered. Players are eager to share opinions, strategies, advice, and a quick joke or two. While it might take a bit more time to decipher which hero to voucher, it’s clear there’s no shortage of ideas or camaraderie within this fortnite community.