The Greatest Final Fantasy Villain – Who’s the Ultimate Bad Guy?

Discover the top contenders for the title of the greatest Final Fantasy villain without mentioning Sephiroth! Who's the ultimate bad guy?

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy fans debate on Reddit about who deserves the title of the greatest villain in the series. From Emet-Selch to Anabella, the choices are varied and intriguing. Let’s delve into the discussion!


  • Emet-Selch stands out for his complex character and motivations.
  • Caius from XIII-2 earns praise for his depth and design.
  • Anabella shocks with her cold-hearted actions.
  • ExDeath charms fans with his unique villainy.

RexRogero’s Choice: Emet-Selch

Emet-Selch is a standout villain for many due to his understandable yet irredeemable nature. His cosmic plans and emotional depth make him a memorable foe.

GuardianGero’s Perspective: Emet-Selch’s Complexity

GuardianGero appreciates Emet-Selch’s multi-layered character, from his detached evil persona to his deep-rooted longing for the past.

Prefer_Not_To_Say’s Pick: Caius Ballad

Prefer_Not_To_Say praises Caius for his coherent motivations, stylish design, and entertaining lines, despite XIII-2’s shortcomings.

kavalejava’s Dark Horse: Anabella

Anabella’s ruthless actions of selling her children for personal gain leave a chilling impression on fans, showcasing a different kind of villainy.

Final Words

With Final Fantasy’s rich history of compelling villains, the debate rages on about who truly deserves the title of the greatest bad guy. Each antagonist brings their unique essence to the series, captivating players with their diverse motivations and actions.