The Heated Debate over Diablo’s S3 Ladder Leaderboards: A Deep Dive

Unraveling the Diablo community's discourse on potential S3 Ladder Leaderboards.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the competitive realm of Diablo, the topic of ladder leaderboards coming at the start of S3 has stirred quite the conversation.


  • The community seems divided on the issue with a slight leaning towards negativity
  • Members voice their concerns over leveling and competitive fairness
  • Some express confusion over the existence of standard leaderboards
  • Several suggest that the leaderboard introduction is being poorly timed

The Immortal Question

Bra1nss brought the conversation to the table, focusing on the potential implementation of leaderboard at the start of S3. SQRTLURFACE and ItsSeanTf were quick to answer with a simple, yet resounding “No”. These comments aren’t filled with the hope one might expect.

A Tease of Teasing

While some aimed to clarify, others like haremofcatsss, couldn’t help but add a bit of humor to the matter. Haremofcatsss meeting Bra1nss’s query with a playful tease, “Why make a whole new post when you already know the answer? Lmao 🤣”

Deep-seated Concerns

Crayonflop3 stepped in, bringing valid points to the forefront. According to this comment, the standard ladder race to level 100 doesn’t make sense as you can get there in merely a few hours. Highlighting the need for a fix in leveling curve, Crayonflop3 echoes concerns that many might share.

A Dash of Pessimism

A comment by Spookyafk added a cynical perspective, claiming the top players will be stacked, thereby preventing newcomers from hitting anywhere near the top ranks. It’s a valid perspective that mirrors the worries of many players about the possible competitive imbalance in Diablo’s S3.

And there you have it folks! The discussion is complex, layered, and nothing short of entertaining. While some confusion and dissent exists within the community, one thing’s for certain – the players’ passion for Diablo remains unwavering. Whether the arrival of S3 will validate these concerns is a tale yet to unfold. Keep dungeon crawling, dear gamers!