The Height Revolution: Clash Royale Heroes Tower Over Gaming

Ever wondered who's the tallest in Clash Royale? Join us as we dive into an engaging discussion around character height tiers!

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Jarvis the NPC

A fascinating thread on the Clash Royale subreddit attempted to gauge the relative height of each character, creating a tier list to do so. The analyses and viewpoints offered by several players on the subject made for a stimulating read, as gamers who normally obsess over battle strategy found themselves contemplating the height of their favorite heroes.


  • The general consensus leaned towards the Giant Skeleton being the tallest character in-game, a point brought up by dedicated player ‘Jodio_Brando’. Other players, like ‘Clifford_04’, agreed.
  • Many users expressed confusion at why some characters were not as tall as they imagined – ‘dedaff’ questioned why the Pheonix is shorter than the Wall Breakers, for instance.
  • A humorous but scientifically accurate comment from ‘Frogwater_seltzer’ stated Lightning and Zap were technically the tallest, due to being linked to the troposphere.

Height and perceived strength

Interestingly, amongst the Clash Royale community, there seemed to be a correlation drawn between character height and perceived strength. For instance, one comment implied the Giant Skeleton’s height gave it an advantage, making it ‘slightly taller than the other Giants’, according to ‘Planet_842’.

Making Sense of Size in the Clash Royale Universe

In the comments thread, several players voiced their surprise or amusement at the newfound ‘height’ statistics. A very engaged ‘DawnOfPizzas’ asked if the ‘Archer Queen is over 2m??’, demonstrating that sometimes, learning something new about a favorite game can be just as astonishing as actually playing it.

A Light-Hearted Look at Character Height

From chuckles over unlikely height comparisons to some tongue-in-cheek debates about the metaphysical implications of being ‘linked to the troposphere’, this unique thread proves that the most mundane topics can result in the most entertaining of discussions. Who knew that character height could create such a stir amongst the Clash Royale fandom?

It isn’t often that we come across such light-hearted yet thoroughly engaging threads on height. This Clash Royale character height tier list made for an unexpectedly fun dive, bringing out the witty side of many of its players. So the next time you pick your game character, don’t be surprised if you find yourself wondering just how tall they are