The Hilarious Engineering Mayhem in Deep Rock Galactic

See the chaos unfold with 3 Engineers on a mission in Deep Rock Galactic!

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic players stir up a storm with 3 Engineers taking on a salvage mission. Things get chaotic fast as they defend without even shooting a single bullet. It’s Engineer madness at its finest!


  • Engineer mayhem ensues on a salvage mission without firing a shot.
  • Players share hilarious Engineer quotes and experiences.
  • The chaos of multiple Engineers leads to a unique gameplay dynamic.

MaximeW1987’s Perspective

As Driller makes a boastful statement, the team’s power dynamics come into play. The humorous banter adds to the enjoyment of the mission. Each class shines in its unique way, creating a vibrant gameplay experience.

Clear-Air_Turbulence’s Take

The mention of pancakes in response to the Engineer teamwork adds a touch of whimsy to the discussion. Players find amusement in drawing parallels between food and game scenarios, showcasing the community’s creativity.

4thwall_desk’s Cheesy Moment

With a simple ‘cheese,’ the comment encapsulates the quirky nature of gameplay moments. Such moments of humor and camaraderie bond players together, making every mission a memorable experience.

3merite’s Warning

The anticipation of a spawned oppressor and the subsequent swarm of enemies highlights the potential dangers faced even in humorous scenarios. It adds an element of challenge and unpredictability to the game, keeping players on their toes.

Players continue to embody the spirit of Deep Rock Galactic, engaging in teamwork and silliness to conquer challenges together. The collaborative dynamics and shared laughter in the community create a vibrant gaming environment where every mission is an adventure waiting to unfold.