The Hilarious Mix-Up: Final Fantasy vs. Famicom Fighters

A Reddit user discovers a quirky game called Famicom Fighters, causing a stir among Final Fantasy fans.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a delightful twist of fate, a Reddit user stumbled upon a game that left them questioning their choices in the Final Fantasy realm.


  • Users hilariously react to a quirky game mix-up.
  • Positive sentiments towards the game’s unique charm.
  • Some users express desire for the game to be real.

Reactions to Famicom Fighters

The discovery of Famicom Fighters elicited a range of reactions from the Final Fantasy community. While some users found the game amusing and intriguing, others saw it as a delightful departure from the expected Final Fantasy experience.

The Amusement Factor

Many users expressed amusement and admiration for the game’s concept, praising its creativity and unique blend of elements. The combination of classic Final Fantasy characters with fighting game mechanics seemed to strike a chord with the community.

Hopes and Dreams

Some users went beyond mere amusement and openly wished for Famicom Fighters to be a real game. The idea of controlling Black Mage throwing Hadokens resonated with fans, sparking a desire for such a game to exist.

The Alternate Universe

One user delved into the history of Final Fantasy, mentioning its original name as Fighting Fantasy. They pondered on the idea of Final Fantasy evolving into a game like Famicom Fighters in an alternate reality, adding an intriguing layer to the discussion.

The community’s playful banter and shared enthusiasm illustrated the enduring charm and creativity that Final Fantasy fans embrace.