The Iron Battle Axe Dilemma in Destiny 2 – What Redditors Are Saying

Crow's ability to summon an Iron Battle Axe in Destiny 2 has some Redditors questioning why Guardians can't do the same.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a subreddit discussion about Destiny 2, users are debating Crow’s capability to summon an Iron Battle Axe and expressing their thoughts on Guardians lacking the same power.


  • Guardians jealous of Crow’s Iron Battle Axe
  • Community divided on abilities of different characters
  • Desire for Burning Axe in Burning Maul super
  • Speculations on the lore behind Crow’s powers
  • The Debate

    Some Redditors find it unfair that Crow can wield the Iron Battle Axe while Guardians do not have access to it. The disparity in abilities has sparked a debate on whether such exclusive powers should be more evenly distributed among characters.

    Crow’s Sympathy

    Others speculate that Crow’s unique power stems from his empathy towards certain enemies, suggesting a deeper lore explanation for his ability to summon the Iron Battle Axe.

    Guardian Reactions

    Guardians’ reactions to Crow’s power vary, with some expressing jealousy and others offering humorous explanations for why Guardians may not possess the same ability. This has led to a mix of light-hearted banter and serious discussion within the subreddit.

    The Burning Maul Conundrum

    One user mentioned a desire for the Burning Maul super to feature a Burning Axe instead of the hammer, highlighting the community’s interest in unique and exciting weapon choices for different character classes.