The Itch to Pull: Genshin Impact Players Divided!

Genshin players express mixed feelings on their desire to pull for new characters after years of gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact players on Reddit are split on their desire to continue pulling for new characters after years of dedication to the game. Some feel burnt out from the grind while others eagerly anticipate upcoming releases.


  • Players feel the gameplay’s appeal has waned, leading to a decrease in desire to pull for new characters.
  • Some focus on vertical investment in their existing characters rather than expanding their roster horizontally.
  • Despite fatigue, others remain excited for upcoming characters and updates, keeping their enthusiasm high.

Players Expressing Fatigue

Genshin veteran Greyhound121 shares their fatigue in maintaining the grind for materials and Primogems, finding solace in the game’s story and visuals over gameplay challenges.

Automatic_Leopard403 jokes about being unable to pull due to financial constraints, highlighting the gacha nature of the game.

jonnevituwu embraces the vertical investment approach, finding fulfillment in enhancing existing characters rather than constantly seeking new ones.

Mixed Sentiments Towards Pulling

Rex_Lapis_ adopts a strategic approach to pulling, saving up for specific units they desire, showcasing a balanced outlook.

Rare_Marionberry782 joins the hype for new characters, expressing excitement for future releases and the potential to explore new dynamics it brings to the game.

RazorCalahan finds joy in occasional pulls, emphasizing the excitement of acquiring characters sporadically.

Anticipation and Looking Ahead

ZetNiej remains enthusiastic about the game’s future, eagerly looking forward to upcoming characters and patches, showcasing a positive outlook.

New_Nature220 emphasizes the importance of liking characters to drive their pulling decisions, showcasing a deliberate and thoughtful approach.

Weezhart shares their 1.5-year journey in Genshin, diverting attention to Tower of Fantasy while patiently waiting for future characters like Dainsleif.