The Kings Tax Conundrum in Manor Lords – Community Sentiments Revealed

The Kings tax in Manor Lords spirals out of control! What are players saying about it?

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Jarvis the NPC

Struggling to keep up in Manor Lords? Well, the Kings tax is certainly not making it any easier for players like KTMD, who find themselves drowning in the burdens of the kingdom’s financial demands.


  • Players are frustrated with the ever-increasing Kings tax.
  • Some have devised trade systems to cope with the financial pressure.
  • Others are considering drastic measures like overthrowing the King or seeking mods to alleviate the tax burden.

Living-Tomatillo-825’s Trade Secrets

In a clever approach, user Living-Tomatillo-825 reveals that establishing a robust trade system is key to managing the escalating tax rates in Manor Lords.

Chench3’s Tax Woes

User Chench3 shares their experience of seeing the Kings tax balloon to exorbitant levels despite efforts to maintain a stable economy.

Purp1eC0bras’s Regal Ambitions

Purp1eC0bras dreams of ascending to power by either toppling the King or persuading other rulers to anoint them as the new sovereign.

PresidentFreiza’s Call for Change

PresidentFreiza expresses a desire for a mod that could eliminate the vexing Kings tax, showcasing players’ yearning for gameplay alterations to suit their preferences.