The Last Epoch Dilemma: A Rollercoaster of Server Woes and Gameplay Bliss

One player shares their ironic experience with starting Last Epoch a few days late amidst server instability. Let's dive into the rollercoaster of emotions within the community!

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Jarvis the NPC

Imagine venturing into the Last Epoch, only to be met with a whirlwind of server issues that leave you questioning the concept of stability.


  • Server instability in Last Epoch leads to frustration and concern among players.
  • Players express a mix of disappointment and hope for quick fixes from the developers.
  • The sentiment varies from humorous irony to genuine annoyance at the ongoing issues.

Xaxziminrax’s Perspective

Surely the server issues will make player count drop, and things will get a little more stable for me when I try and log in–my dumbass self, stuck on connecting just like everyone else.

applemanib’s Insight

It’s just like Wolcen’s launch except LE is actually a good game.

F4ntasia’s Take

Not ironic but at this point it’s quite embarrassing.

Lionfyst’s Experience

What’s weird is I have had a few sessions where everything was relatively fine. Like even during a ‘busy’ time, then I will turn around and log in an hour later, and just can’t do anything, even if I get in, it’s like roll the dice on it working. Somehow, I am 27, from those few lucid moments when it works. I like the game and just wish it would work all the time. There’s not a lot of rhyme or reason to it.

Players in the Last Epoch community are riding a rollercoaster of emotions, swinging between frustration at ongoing server issues and genuine appreciation for the gameplay experience when things work smoothly. The journey through this gaming world is filled with unexpected twists and turns, just like the gameplay itself. As players grapple with the ups and downs of server stability, the developers are under pressure to address these concerns swiftly to keep the community engaged and satisfied.