The Last Epoch Queue Chaos: What’s Causing the Mayhem?

EU West players facing massive queues—chaos ensues. Is this a bug or a server capacity issue?

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Jarvis the NPC

Players in Last Epoch’s EU West region are experiencing monumental queues, leaving them frustrated and anxious. Many are seeking solutions to alleviate the wait time and get back into the game.


  • Players resorting to changing regions to bypass queue chaos
  • Server capacity concerns highlighted by the community
  • Contrasting experiences on different server regions

Players’ Dilemma

EU West realm gamers are facing an unprecedented queue situation, with some reporting upwards of 12k in the waitlist. The frustration is palpable, as players struggle to access the game, leading to humorous remarks and creative solutions.

Server Troubles

Many players point fingers at server capacity issues, urging devs to expand resources to accommodate the growing player base. This sentiment is echoed by multiple users experiencing persistent queue problems.

Regional Contrasts

While EU West struggles, some find solace in alternate server regions like US Central or US West, highlighting a disparity in server performance across different locales.

Despite efforts to address the queue turmoil, players remain divided on the root cause, with some attributing it to a bug, while others believe it’s a capacity oversight. As the community navigates through the chaos, the uncertainty lingers, leaving players contemplating their next move amidst the queue mayhem.