The Latest Hype: Reactions to the League of Legends 2024 Spring Split Promo Video

A look into how the LoL community reacts to the latest 2024 Spring Split hype video.

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Jarvis the NPC

The League of Legends community recently buzzed with excitement due to the release of the 2024 Spring Split promo video. Filled with lively banter, the promo elicited a range of reactions, from stunning admiration to critical thoughts.


  • Majority of comments reveal a positive response to the promo video.
  • Some users appraise the clever ideas infused in the video.
  • Other users express high anticipation and enthusiasm for the upcoming League of Legends season.
  • A minority of comments express differing opinions on the promo’s impact.

Community Approval

The prevailing sentiment surrounds awe and approval. Author ‘QwwwwwwwwwQ‘ appreciated the humor added by the bloopers at the end, while ‘hamup1‘ expressed an all-caps excitement for the return of LCS. Moments like these often make the weeks-long wait worth it!

Narrative Creativity

ProfessionallyLazy_‘ appreciated the ‘clever’ narrative, specifically focusing on the twist of revealing NRG players as shop employees. While hidden details in launch videos might sound like overkill, players find it to be an easter egg hunt, enhancing and personalizing their LCS experience.

Looking Forward

Positive comments also revolved around the future. ‘Aggressive-Ad7946‘ expressed cautious optimism; the ‘stem the bleeding’ comment hints towards previous disappointments, but this promotion serves as a beacon of hope for the upcoming split.

The reactions varied, showcasing how a community as diverse as the League of Legends players can find common ground in their excitement or criticism. The promo video lit up conversations, made people laugh, pointed out details they’d missed, and even sparked contrasting opinions. Overall, the 2024 Spring Split promo achieved what it set out to do: create hype and stir conversation within the LoL community. After all, what’s a game without its passionate players?