The League of Legends Dilemma: Blowouts Galore in Summoner’s Rift

Why is every League of Legends match either a one-sided victory or crushing defeat? Players share their frustrations and theories.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of League of Legends, matches seem to swing from one extreme to the other this split. Whether in ranked or norms, players are experiencing constant blowouts, leaving little room for close, competitive games. The sense of satisfaction from a hard-fought victory or a well-contested loss appears to be fading, leading to frustration among the player base.


  • Players attribute blowouts to high damage, questionable matchmaking, and skill discrepancies.
  • The lack of post-laning phase strategy and early impatience contribute to one-sided games.
  • The prevalence of trolling, griefing, and lack of accountability further exacerbate match outcomes.
  • The meta’s emphasis on damage and snowballing leads to quick, decisive victories or defeats.

Reasons behind the Blowouts

One player pointed out, ‘Because when people start to lose they just mentally give up.’ This sentiment echoes the frustration felt by many, as players seem to lack the resilience to bounce back from a losing position.

‘It’s been this way for years,’ another user commented, highlighting the long-standing issue of matches being decided by early leads and snowballing effects.

The Impact of Player Behavior

Several comments addressed the issue of player behavior contributing to one-sided matches. ‘People dont care, bad start = give up go next,’ stated a Redditor, emphasizing the lack of perseverance and determination in facing adversity.

Another user noted, ‘There hasn’t been a singular ladder reset, the inflation is through the roof,’ pointing out the impact of matchmaking discrepancies and the lack of a level playing field in competitive games.

The Meta and Game Design

Players also delved into the game’s meta and design choices as factors influencing match outcomes. ‘Too much mobility and ability haste,’ one user critiqued, highlighting gameplay elements that contribute to rapid snowballing and decisive victories.

Another player expressed dissatisfaction with the pacing of games, noting, ‘Games needed to be faster and this is the result.’ The shift towards faster-paced gameplay has inadvertently increased the frequency of blowout matches.

The prevalence of mythic items and their impact on game pacing were also discussed, with one Redditor mentioning, ‘The pacing of games was better before mythic items.’ The introduction of new mechanics has altered the dynamics of matches, sometimes leading to unbalanced outcomes.

While the reasons behind the abundance of blowout matches in League of Legends vary, it’s clear that players are longing for a return to more balanced and competitive gameplay. As the community navigates these challenges, finding ways to foster a healthier and more engaging gaming environment will be crucial in restoring the thrill of Summoner’s Rift.