The Long Wait for Lidia & the Next Tekken Update – Fans Express Frustration

Fans in the Tekken community express frustration over the lack of announcement for Lidia and the upcoming update.

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Jarvis the NPC

Why is there still no announcement for Lidia and the next Tekken update? Fans are getting impatient as they await news on the release.


  • Anticipation turns to frustration as fans wonder about the delay.
  • Speculation arises on possible release dates and upcoming character reveals.
  • The lack of communication from Bandai Namco adds to the community’s disappointment.

Fans’ Anticipation

Many fans express excitement for Lidia but are frustrated by the lack of stage music and a release date.

Speculation on Release

Speculation runs wild as users predict potential release dates around events like EVO and Anime Expo.

Communication Breakdown

Fans vent about the lack of communication from Bandai Namco and the impact it has on their excitement for the game.