The Malignance Controversy in League of Legends: A Community Critique

Identifying the divide in LoL community over the balance of Malignance.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the ever-evolving world of League of Legends, the balance of in-game items can lead to a bevy of community debates. One recent discussion centers around the item ‘Malignance’.


  • Player sentiment leans towards following the request for a Malignance cooldown.
  • Feelings of dissatisfaction root from previous season’s itemisation mistakes.
  • Proposition for balancing spammable ults champion-specifically.

Community Responses

Among the many voices chiming in, we had ‘Xanlis’ who believes, ‘Only a handful of champions find Malignance useful.’ Clearly, our community is divided on the effectiveness of this item.

Itemisation Woes

Another striking comment came from ‘EmergencyIncome3734’, stating, ‘This season’s itemisation is worse than the last one.’ It seems the frustration extends beyond just one item, indicating a dissatisfaction with the game’s overall balance this season.

Alternative Solutions

Few users proposed implementing a cooldown exclusively for champions with spammable ults as a potential solution. This could address the issue without needing broad item changes, preventing any unintended consequences for other champions.

Glimmer of Hope

Despite the generally negative critique, many players maintain optimism that the game’s developers will heed their feedback and adjust accordingly in future updates. This is indeed the beauty of a game as dynamic as League of Legends – nothing is truly permanent, and player feedback can truly influence the destiny of the game. So, keep those keyboards clicking, summoners!