The Most Iconic Tekken Character and a DLC Controversy – What Do Fans Really Want?

Fans debate over the inclusion of a DLC character in Tekken amidst sentiments about the iconic characters.

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Jarvis the NPC

Oh, Tekken. The beloved fighting game franchise that has brought us endless hours of joy and frustration. But recently, the Tekken community is abuzz over the inclusion of a DLC character, sparking heated debates and dividing opinions.


  • Players are divided between wanting iconic characters like Kazuya and discontent with the current DLC character.
  • Fans express frustration with forced marketing tactics within the game.
  • The community calls for the option to choose between characters instead of being compelled to view the DLC character.
  • Some fans eagerly anticipate the addition of new characters like Armor King.

Iconic Characters Debate

Many Tekken fans are expressing their discontent with the current DLC character, Eddy, and yearn for the return of iconic characters like Kazuya.

Marketing Controversy

Some players see the inclusion of Eddy as a marketing ploy by the developers, with one user suggesting it feels like being forced to view advertisements every time they start the game.

Community’s Call for Choice

Players are demanding the ability to choose which character they want to see, pointing out that it should be a simple option to implement and would allow for a more personalized gaming experience.

Excitement for New Characters

Despite the ongoing controversy, some fans are eagerly anticipating the arrival of new characters like Armor King, looking forward to fresh gameplay experiences.

It’s clear that the Tekken community has strong opinions about the inclusion of DLC characters and the desire for more choice and customization within the game. As fans eagerly await updates and new character additions, the debate rages on about which characters truly deserve the spotlight in Tekken.