The Most Used Cards in Clash Royale: A Reddit Discussion

Discover the Clash Royale community's thoughts on the most used cards in this lively Reddit thread.

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale players are debating the most used cards in the game, delving into current trends and historical favorites.


  • Players reminisce about the past dominance of cards like Zap.
  • Some express disbelief at stats showing high usage rates for certain cards.
  • The community discusses the shift in popularity of cards over time.

Reminiscing the Golden Days

LightningDragon777’s mention of Zap being a standout small spell in the past sparks nostalgia among players. Many recall how effective Zap was in various strategies and deck compositions. The sentiment is one of fond memories and a longing for the past meta where Zap reigned supreme.

Doubts and Questions

Raptorx__ raises skepticism regarding the usage rate of a particular card, questioning if the high percentage truly reflects its impact in matches. This prompts a discussion on how usage statistics may not always align with players’ perceptions of a card’s effectiveness in the current meta.

The Evolution of Card Preferences

Ironjack_204’s inquiry about the current usage rate of Zap highlights a shift in card preferences over time. Players note that certain cards, once ubiquitous in battles, have now fallen out of favor in competitive play. This evolution showcases the dynamic nature of Clash Royale’s meta and how strategies adapt to new challenges

SanestExile’s declaration of being an 'arrows enjoyer' showcases personal preferences in card selection. Despite the focus on dominant or trending cards, individual playstyles and affinities for particular cards remain a vital aspect of player experiences