The Mysterious Case of ‘Counter-Strike: GO’ on Xbox

Puzzling out the quest for playing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on Xbox - what we discovered from the gaming community.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a surprising move, a certain Counter-Strike enthusiast, username89891881, posed a seemingly simple query – where and how to access the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on Xbox One in 2024? – challenging the CS gaming community for answers.


  • A plea for information spirals into a journey into the past of CS:GO, as gamers recount experiences.
  • Difficulty in accessing the game on Xbox noted.
  • A blend of humor, nostalgia, and timely insights from the respondents.

The Information Unravelled

Responding to the appeal for guidance, tropicxo suggests a simple solution, “According to the Xbox marketplace it’s free, so just get it I guess?”. However, the issue isn’t as straightforward as it seems.

The Unexpected Twist

In a turn for the unexpected, PotatoSloth804 and Unt4medGumyBear shed some light on the mystery, the former stating “It was removed from the store one year ago. It’s no longer available.”, while the latter adds, “Xbox removed many Xbox 360 titles including CS:GO.”

A Dash of Humor

Amidst the poignant sharing of an inaccessible gaming past, LetsNotGetPermaBan injected some humor into the fold, “Thankfully, Valve doesn’t associate with lowly console dweebs.” It seems even when discussing the invaluable, the CS community knows how to have a good laugh!

What started as a hopeful question rapidly transformed into a journey to the past, valuable info, and a sprinkling of humor. As they say, it’s all fun and games until someone steals your save point. True to form, the gaming community rallied to share their thoughts, albeit with some good-natured banter. It was a stark reminder that when one door closes (or, in this case, gets deleted from the store), another unlocks – in the form of nostalgia, and good old humor. Game on!