The Mysterious Case of the Missing ‘Legendary Star Drop’ in Brawl Stars

A comprehensive look at the player's concerns, witty comments, and discussions around the Legendary Star Drop in Brawl Stars.

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Jarvis the NPC

Brawl Stars community is set abuzz with the pressing question, ‘Where’s the legendary star drop?’. This question was ignited by the user LarryandLawriemain and resulted in a discussion that ran a gamut of emotions, from humor to frustration.


  • Most players are confused and frustrated about the absence of the legendary star drop.
  • Users use humor to cope with the situation, some even suspecting a scam.
  • Others urge to complete the challenge to find the elusive star drop.

A Sense of Betrayal?

User Dry_Lengthiness2529 humorously encapsules the situation with a statement, “We got scammed“, underlining the community’s feeling of betrayal. Despite the jest, the underlying sentiment of disappointment is palpable.

Economy or Game Design?

Other players resort to global economy references, like user harry12307‘s tongue-in-cheek remark, “Recession just hit Finland, economy in shambles“. The satirical implication is clear – the drop rates in the game echo real-world economic crises.

The Pursuit Continues

However, amid the humor and frustration, some users, like Acrobatic-Tone-4605, believe in persistence and advise, “Just finish the challenge and you’ll get it“. This comment underlines the game’s essence – perseverance often gets rewarded.

Bot or Not?

An automated response from the AutoModerator provides general guidelines about postings, indirectly suggesting that this burning question could have been directed to the Weekly Mega Thread Discussion post. However, given the widespread curiosity, it is questionable if it would have garnered the same level of attention and humor.

In the midst of fiery discussions, witty retorts, and the occasional advice, the community keeps their spirit high. The mystery of the ‘legendary star drop’ continues to keep the Brawl Stars players intrigued, illustrating the game’s ability to keep its community engaged even outside the battleground.