The Mystery of 20-Second Wait in Brawl Stars: A Reddit Discussion

Why does it take so long to claim freebies in Brawl Stars? Reddit users share their frustrations and experiences.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Brawl Stars, claiming freebies can feel like waiting for a slow-motion explosion in an action movie. Reddit user Space__lemons recently questioned the 20-second delay in claiming rewards.


  • Players share mixed experiences with claiming freebies.
  • Some find the 20-second wait reasonable, while others face game crashes.
  • Issues with shop loading and crashes are common among comments.

The Waiting Game

Reddit user BenBirDomatesim sarcastically remarks, ‘Just 20 seconds? Damn you’re lucky.’ It seems the wait time can vary greatly from player to player.

Technical Troubles

No_Information_3818 expresses frustration with game crashes: ‘I can’t even claim it bro, the game crashes when I open the shop.’ Technical issues seem to plague some users.

Stuck in a Loop

Gabalex45 shares their struggle, ‘Lucky you, I can’t even open the shops, my game crashes every time I try to 😭.’ For some players, accessing freebies is a constant battle.