The Mystery of Different Hair Colors in Team Fight Tactics (TFT)

Why do two Kayns in TFT have different hair colors? Unravel the mystery with us!

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players are puzzled as to why two Kayns can have different hair colors. Let’s dive into the community’s speculations!


  • Players suggest Kayn’s hair color change is due to in-game transformations.
  • Some believe it’s a rare visual bug causing the variation.
  • Speculations vary from lore references to humorous explanations like a Mid-life crisis.

Reasons for Different Hair Colors

One Redditor, octaviuspb, pointed out that Kayn’s hair color change may be linked to different in-game paths, with one embracing Selune while the other becomes a Dark Justiciar. This suggests that the variation could be tied to Kayn’s progression within the game.

Theories and Speculations

Another user, Film_Humble, explained that Kayn’s transformation triggers the change in hair color, with dark hair representing his base form and white hair indicating his transformation state after casting. This sheds light on the gameplay mechanics influencing Kayn’s appearance.

Community Response and Humorous Takes

Some community members like limegreenpinkie added a touch of humor by suggesting that one of the Kayns might be going through a Mid-life crisis, offering a lighthearted perspective on the situation. This showcases the playful banter and creative interpretations within the TFT community.

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