The Mystery of the Bunny Dab Emote in Clash Royale: Players Weighing In

This article dives into a Clash Royale community debate on the elusive bunny dab emote.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the immersive world of Clash Royale, a surprising topic has stirred up some intriguing chatter amongst the gamers. A player, known as JustCallMeAttlaz, sparked a conversation questioning the mystery of the bunny dab emote that he recently stumbled upon. He was under the impression that this specific bunny dab animation was only attributed to the wizard character, thus creating an air of confusion about this version that looked a tad off.


  • JustCallMeAttlaz found a variation of the wizard’s dab emote on a bunny, causing a stir of discussion about its origin.
  • Although a few players asserted that it was very old, others claimed to have never seen it before, suggesting a lack of awareness about this emote variation.
  • The community exhibited mixed sentiments about the emote’s significance, hence emphasising the diversified range of views held by Clash Royale’s player base.

Unravelling the Mystery

Player Right_Gas2569 provided a succinct response asserting that the bunny dab emote dates back to 2023, denoting the Year of the Rabbit. According to him, the wizard outfits himself in a rabbit suit to mark the occasion which explains the usual wizard animation for the dab.

Players’ Sentiments

Other players acknowledged the emote’s existence with different emotions. Player fireL0rd3000 recalled a previous game where his competitor used the said emote after winning a game, adding a humorous spin to his story by confessing to having excessively used the yawning princess emote in response.

The Enigma Continues

Despite the explanations and anecdotes, the bunny dab emote remains a topic of confusion for some. Player Beristic expressed dismay at having never encountered the emote, thereby encapsulating the sense of intrigue that continues to permeate the Clash Royale gaming community.

Returns on our journey through the rabbit (or should we say wizard’s?) hole yield an intriguing insight into the diverse perspectives that make up the Clash Royale community. While some revel in the fun of the unexpected, others still seek clarity, thereby ensuring that the spirit of enquiry and curiosity remains alive and well in the world of Clash Royale.