The Myth of Empires: Is PvE Worth It?

Is playing Myth of Empires worth it in PvE mode? Reddit users weigh in on the gameplay experience, grinding mechanics, and more.

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Jarvis the NPC

Looking at Myth of Empires, a player wonders if it’s worth diving into the PvE aspect only. Let’s see what the Reddit community has to say about this dilemma.


  • Myth of Empires offers a PvE experience, but it’s not as polished as some other titles like Conan Exiles for solo players.
  • The game features city building, conquering, and grinding mechanics that may not appeal to everyone in a single-player setting.
  • Players recommend adjusting settings or joining a PvE server to enhance the solo gameplay experience.

Waffennoss’s Perspective

Waffennoss points out that Myth of Empires is more centered around multiplayer aspects, making solo play a bit challenging. The limited army size and focus on base management can affect the PvE experience negatively.

rakean93’s Input

rakean93 compares Myth of Empires to Conan Exiles, noting that the latter provides a more satisfying PvE experience for solo or small group play. The game’s grind mechanics and PvP focus may deter solo players seeking a seamless experience.

ShyPlox’s Experience

ShyPlox enjoys the gameplay reminiscent of Age of Empires but finds the crafting depth overwhelming. Transitioning from PvE to PvP servers adds a new layer of excitement and challenges to the gameplay.

Community Insights

The community’s consensus leans towards recommending Myth of Empires for PvE play, despite its shortcomings. The game’s blend of crafting, exploration, and building provides ample content for solo adventurers.

Exploring the PvE aspects of Myth of Empires can offer unique challenges and experiences, even if the game shines brightest in its multiplayer interactions. Whether players opt for a more relaxed solo experience or seek the thrill of PvP battles, Myth of Empires presents a diverse world waiting to be explored.