The Nostalgic Drive: Could Fortnite’s Chapter 1 Cars Make a Comeback?

Exploring the possibility of driving in style with Fortnite's cosmetic car models from Chapter 1 era.

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Jarvis the NPC

Driving may take on a nostalgic twist in Fortnite, as users clamour for the inclusion of Chapter 1 car models as drivable cosmetics


  • An overwhelming positive sentiment towards the idea of reintroducing Chapter 1 cars as cosmetic vehicles.
  • User fantasies of driving high-end real-life car models in Fortnite.
  • A longing for a return to the Chapter 1 art style.
  • Realistic discussions about the challenges of implementing this feature due to the original design of the cars.

The Wheel Deal

In a string of varied reactions, the community exudes significant positive sentiment towards the proposed idea. Commenter FlashbackJon remarks, ‘It’s kinda wild to me that they are capitalizing on the wealth of STW vehicle models.’ This sentiment is echoed further by commenter FunnyCobra002 who lays claim to the endless possibilities for vehicle cosmetics.

The Joyride Dream

Not only do players express excitement over the thought of old car models in Fortnite, but they also fantasize about driving specific real-world car models in the game. With dollar signs in his eyes, FunnyCobra002 jests about his desire to command a Koenigsegg or Rolls Royce in Fortnite’s universe.

The Art of Fortnite

Among the robust enthusiasm for new in-game car models, some participants veer off the beaten track, highlighting a yearning for a broader stylistic change in the game. ElFurryLoco feels the urge to bring back the Chapter 1 art style, criticising the hyper-realism approach in the recent chapters.

The Roadblocks

While the idea appeals to the majority, certain pragmatists underline the practical hurdles that might hinder this fantasy. Fantastic_Snow_9633 emphasizes the methodologies of game design, stating that the cars weren’t designed to be driven and hence lack crucial features like a steering wheel, indicating a potential challenge in realising this wish.

This discussion has brought to light many fascinating viewpoints. From nostalgia-tinged excitement to pragmatic objections, the Fortnite community remains diverse and dynamic. Whether we’ll see these vintage models become drivable is yet to be seen, but the simple notion has set wheels in motion, sparking spirited discussions.