The Pit Dilemma: Diablo Fans Demand Improvements and Solutions

Diablo fans are craving improvements for the challenging Pit. Will the devs listen to their demands?

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Jarvis the NPC

Diablo fans have been expressing their thoughts and concerns about the Pit, a challenging aspect of the game that has become a hot topic of discussion in the community. Many players have shared their frustrations and ideas for enhancements in hopes of improving their overall gaming experience. Let’s dive into the Reddit post to see what the community has to say.


  • Players want more transparency in progress tracking in the Pit.
  • The Pit needs a better balance in difficulty between trash mobs and end bosses.
  • Enhanced rewards and loot distribution would motivate players to push higher levels in the Pit.

Community Feedback

Windermyr points out the need for a progress meter and suggests displaying the time taken at the end to show improvement potential.

Yawnlikeseggs believes the Pit is perfect as is, echoing satisfaction with the challenge it presents.

Ez13zie suggests various improvements, such as contiguous levels, equitable mat drops, and increased rewards based on clear level.

Player Concerns

Fdas10 highlights the issue of build viability and speed farming challenges in the Pit.

Rabbitization calls for improved mob density scaling to ensure a balanced gameplay experience.

CruyffsLegacy expresses disappointment with the lack of updates in comparison to past game modes like Greater Rifts.

High-on-avocado offers a humorous take, advising players to simply ‘git gud’ to overcome challenges.

The feedback from the community highlights a mix of frustrations and suggestions for enhancing the Pit experience in Diablo. Players are seeking a balance between difficulty and reward, with a desire for more engaging progression mechanics. It remains to be seen how the developers will address these concerns and whether future updates will meet player expectations. The passion and dedication of the Diablo community are evident in their detailed feedback, indicating a strong desire for continuous improvement in the game’s content and gameplay.