The Profane Hydra Hype: Its Impact on ‘League of Legends’ Meta

Dive into the buzz around LoL's 'Profane Hydra', its impact & the community's sentiment towards its damaging prowess.

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Jarvis the NPC

The conversation among ‘League of Legends’ players has been buzzed about a specific game item – Profane Hydra. Much of the community’s attention has caught on to its notable damage, particularly against low health targets. ‘Temporary-Platypus80’ sparked an insightful conversation with anticipations of balance tweaks and the game item’s under recognition amidst the spotlight on AP items.


  • ‘Profane Hydra’ is accused of giving an unfair advantage, dealing high damage considerably more than similar items.
  • The item also seems likely to be nerfed in the foreseeable future.
  • Notably, ‘Profane Hydra’ triggers bonus damage once a character’s health drops below 50%, making it a potential game-changer.

Community’s Take

‘kinghidora’ experienced its power first hand, securing Riven as his permanent ban. ‘TatteredVexation’ brought a contrasting view, arguing that 600 damage implies the user already has 400 ad, signifying impending doom irrespective of the item used. Meanwhile, ‘Wolfelle’ and ‘Dracoknight256’ both shared their satisfactory experiences using the item, with ‘Wolfelle’ commenting on how it improved clear and combo speed on Briar, and ‘Dracoknight256’ relishing the easy kills on Lethality Nocturne on ARAM.

Item’s Role In The Game

‘Drwixon’ labeled the item as expensive, which might deter players from selecting it, while ‘seventysevenpenguins’ noted how it simplified play for Zed and Rengar. ‘peter2451995’, echoed similar experiences using Zed, whom he described as being hugely beneficial from the item. As ‘sullonone’ humorously added, despite the potential power of the item, Bronze players like him tend to forget to click it.

The Final Verdict

The item’s ability to quickly clear jungle camps was appreciated by ‘Cinderheart’, and the sentiment was reciprocated by many other players who enjoyed the added advantage of the item. There were fair points raised about the item’s cost and efficiency and speculation that some balancing changes might be queued. All in all, it’s safe to say that Profane Hydra has added a twist to the meta, with players all hyped up for the adrenaline-packed engagements, dips and dives that it brings along.