The Quirky World of Genshin Impact: Ducks of Qiaoying Village

Exploring a strange phenomenon in Genshin Impact involving ducks. Is it a bug or a feature?

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact is known for its quirky moments and surprising features that leave players questioning reality. One Reddit post that caught my eye delves into the mysterious behavior of ducks in Qiaoying Village. The post’s author, Friendly-Gur-3289, simply asks, ‘Is this a bug? Or was it intended to be like this?’


  • Players ponder whether the behavior of ducks in Genshin Impact is intentional or a glitch.
  • Community members speculate on the mystical properties of Cloud Retainer’s Bathwater.
  • The debate on hurting animals in the game sparks discussions on consequences.

The Cloud Retainer’s Bathwater Blessing

One user, mybrotherisnotapig, humorously suggests that drinking Cloud Retainer’s Bathwater grants players an affinity to Anemo elements, adding a whimsical touch to the conversation.

Feature or Bug?

Some players, like AITAVoter, believe that the duck behavior is intentional, labeling it as a feature rather than a bug, emphasizing the game’s attention to detail.

Consequences of Animal Interaction

User saberjun highlights an intriguing mechanic: players must be cautious when harming animals in the game, as there are consequences that affect the in-game economy.

From humorous remarks to thoughtful considerations, the Genshin Impact community never fails to entertain and spark intriguing discussions.