The Rarity Unveiled: Clash Royale Emotes Decoded

Unravel the mystery of Clash Royale emotes with our post-community inspection.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Clash Royale, ’emotes’ are tokens of prestige. Recent debate ensued on this topic, sparked by user FreeTobisNoseFam who inquired about the rarity of Two Emotes that they possessed.


  • Community members commented on the exclusivity and rarity of the two emotes, offering insight into their sources.
  • Discussion revolved around the ‘season 1’ emote origin and the ‘streamer event’ emote.
  • Both jealousy and accomplishment were displayed amidst comments.

Emote Origins

‘DisastrousAd4410’ clarifies the origin of the emotes, stating that, ‘First one is literally from season 1, the second one is from a streamer event you unlock for watching certain streamers, one time event.’ This offers priceless insight into the prized possession of the emotes and adds to their coveted nature.

The Season 1 Emote: A Significant Status Symbol?

The ‘Season 1’ emote provoked mixed reactions from the community. While some users are coveting this relic from the first season of Clash Royale, others debate the rarity of the item, as it was available to all players during season 1. Regardless, its status as a ‘season 1’ emblem makes it a sought after item, representing longevity and dedication to the game.

The Streamer Event Emote: A Badge of the Dedicated?

‘Stinky_Toes12’, however, contributed that ‘I have the second one and im pretty sure its rarer cuz u had to get it from youtuber tournaments.’ Again, this suggestion of exclusivity makes it a prized entity among the community.

Capping off our dive into the world of Clash Royale’s rare emotes, it seems pretty clear from this discussion that the posts and comments highlight the impact and influence these ’emotes’ hold. They aren’t just pixels, they are tokens of achievement, dedication, and prestige in the Clash Royale community. Whether you hold them dear because they remind you of watching a favorite streamer or battling in season 1, they are worth more than just a slot in your emote deck. They have inherently become a part of your Clash Royale identity.