The Ridiculous Struggle of Rolling Passives on Diablo Amulets

Players vent their frustrations at the exorbitant costs and low chances of rolling desired passives on Diablo amulets.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Diablo community is in uproar over the daunting task of rolling passives on amulets. Players are spending fortunes and gambling hours for elusive outcomes.


  • Players are frustrated by the low odds and high costs of rolling sought-after passives.
  • Some suggest starting with rarer affixes to ease the process.
  • Many feel the rarity of certain passives is unnecessary for gameplay enjoyment.

Weighted Rolls and Frustrations

The weight placed on passives in Diablo amulets feels like an uphill struggle for many players. Spending exorbitant amounts of gold and resources only to be met with disappointment leads to mounting frustrations.

The BiS Debate

While some argue that top-tier BiS passives are not necessary, others feel the game’s reliance on them creates an unfair advantage for those who can afford them.

Rings and Amulets – A Costly Gamble

The vast pool of affixes available for rings and amulets in Diablo complicates the already challenging task of rolling desired stats. The financial burden of repeated attempts can deter even the most dedicated players.

My simple solution after lots of pain is to not use any build that relies on boosts to passives, especially on the amulet. I got to 100 and then some on char waiting for a drop with just one of the suggested 2-3 passives on the amulet, never saw a single one with just a single of the build’s recommended passives! Never again.

You should’ve seen me trying to roll dex on some boots earlier… it was hilarious. Reached the cap before I rolled minimum. But yes, the pool with amulets is way too large, I’ve spent hundreds of millions rerolling those stupid things. You’re better off saving your money, selling stuff on trade, and just buying a neck with the stats you’re after and hope you don’t brick it 🤣

Yes, I realized it as well. I don’t have billions of gold (I don’t participate in trading), so I just don’t try to roll the passives on the amulet or +skills on other gear – if I need it on gear it needs to be there from the start. I make exceptions for very good stats rolled and then I burn through the cheap rolls until it gets expensive.