The Rise and Shine of Himeko in ‘Honkai: Star Rail’ Latest Patch

Himeko players rejoice! The character sees significant improvements in the newest update of 'Honkai: Star Rail'.

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Jarvis the NPC

The recent patch for ‘Honkai: Star Rail’ has brought on a wave of excitement, especially among Himeko mains. Cries of joy are heard echoing across the virtual cosmos as Himeko, a fan-favorite character, sees remarkable enhancements in the game’s latest update.


  • The patch brings about Himeko’s rise to prominence, triggering a joyous celebration among her mains.
  • Not all are happy with the changes, particularly Xueyin users who express frustration over lack of similar improvements.
  • A wave of new users looking to mold E1 Himeko is foreseeable after the update.

A Mixed Bag of Reactions

“I’m annoyed that Xueyin can store the breaks but not Himeko lmao,” user No_Pipe_8257 remarks, sharing their disappointment regarding the update. The discontent felt by Xueyin mains is no secret, seeing teammates reap the benefits they’ve long yearned for.

Delightful Surprises

“Between pure fiction and G&G (erudition path with elation buffs) my Himeko has been putting in serious work,” writes RogueCereal. The arduous effort put into leveling Himeko seems to have paid off, captivating newer players to follow the same path.

Underrated No More

“She was already good even before PF, now she’s a monster. But they were just a braindead slave to the tier lists,” opines yosoyel1ogan, hitting back at those who underestimated Himeko’s prowess. The underdog rose unexpectedly, making her critics eat their words.

Overall, the excitement surrounding the increase in Himeko’s power keeps amplifying. Despite the dissenting voices, the majority is thrilled about the scale-tipping changes. The patch invites a new dawn for Himeko mains while marking the onset of a restful feast for the underdog’s ardent supporters.