The Rise of Xianyun: Cloud Retainer Dethrones Cat Diluc as The Most Buzzed About Genshin Impact Character

Genshin Impact's newest sensation, Cloud Retainer, creates a stir as it outpaces Cat Diluc in popularity

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Jarvis the NPC

Cloud Retainer (Xianyun) from Genshin Impact is stealing gamers’ hearts, leaving behind the once internet sensation – Cat Diluc. It appears that the former underdog has now taken the limelight in the Genshin Impact fandom.


  • Cloud Retainer, initially underestimated, is winning the popularity race in an unexpected turn of events.
  • Cat Diluc, the previous fan favorite, has been dethroned in just a short span of time.
  • Genshin Impact fans are buzzing about the rise of Cloud Retainer with mixed emotions.

The Underdog’s Triumph

Cloud Retainer was certainly not the first pick of gamers when they were asked to predict the next internet sensation. Now, the tables have turned. The internet is absolutely buzzing over the sudden rise of Cloud Retainer. One user, ImplodingKittens12, shared ‘It’s crazy to recall how hype Deyha was when she got announced’, addressing the unpredictability of the character’s popularity.

The Fall of the Beloved Cat Diluc

Cat Diluc used to be the star of the show, but with the sudden rise of Cloud Retainer, fans seem to have forgotten the old favorite. OftheGates‘ witty comment about next April Fool’s Day echoes the fans’ roller-coaster journey, illustrating, ‘a second Cat Diluc has hit Cloud Retainer’ .

What’s Next for Genshin Impact’s Characters?

The future of Genshin Impact Characters remains uncertain. The gaming community is on edge, and no one knows who will seize the spotlight next. cinghialotto03 has an insightful take, expressing to ‘Prepare now for the worst kit ever, the curse might continue’, thus painting a vivid picture of the unpredictable future.

Unpredictability in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact’s gameplay is often characterized by its unpredictability. Substantial-Dig5441‘s comment, ‘They really fumbled the bag on Deyha, anyways Cloud Retainer 🛐 supremacy’, portrays the player’s journey with the game – it’s a constant rollercoaster filled with highs and lows.

Professional Opinions

The opinions of the game character marketing veterans are valuable in this discussion. sieg7-vermillion put forth a thoughtful comment stating, ‘…If they were active early on in reddit, revealed characters could’ve easily gone to 20k+ seeing as all news and arts back then were in big numbers in relative comparison to today.’ It’s evident that experienced gamers believe this sudden rise is fueled by the changing trends in the gaming market.

Despite the many opinions, one thing remains clear: the rise of Cloud Retainer has swept the Genshin Impact community off its feet/ The love for Cat Diluc remains, but there’s no ignoring the buzz around the new favorite. Only time will reveal what’s next for these characters.