The Rivalry Revealed: League of Legends Academy Teams vs. Main Teams

League of Legends academy teams battle it out to topple their main team counterparts in a fierce showdown.

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Jarvis the NPC

When it comes to League of Legends, the rivalry between academy teams and main teams runs deep. Fans debate fiercely over which academy team could potentially outshine their main roster in a best-of-five showdown.


  • Academy teams strive to bridge the skill gap with their main counterparts.
  • Ranking disparities spark discussions on potential upsets.
  • Community rumors and past showmatches fuel speculation on academy team prowess.

GenG: A Tale of Two Teams

Amidst contrasting rankings and performance, GenG shines as the main team powerhouse while their academy squad struggles to find their footing. The discrepancy in achievements fuels the debate on which team holds the upper hand.

LPL Looms Large

The LPL scene presents an interesting dynamic with lower-tier main teams potentially facing defeat against their LDL counterparts. The struggle of main rosters opens up opportunities for academy underdogs to rise.

Proving Grounds: BTS vs. BDS

Rumors swirl around BDSA’s ability to match the skill of their main squad, raising eyebrows and anticipation among fans. The prospect of a potential upset adds spice to the ever-evolving narrative of academy team prowess.

Fans continue to speculate and analyze every move, hoping for that one breakthrough performance that could tilt the scale in favor of the underdogs. As the rivalry between League of Legends academy teams and main squads intensifies, the esports community eagerly awaits the next chapter in this ongoing saga.