The Roles We Play: A Deep Dive into LOL Gamers Preferences

Exploring Reddit users' thoughts on their main roles in the popular game, League of Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the enigmatic online universe that is League of Legends, players are taking to digital platforms to discuss their role preferences and reasoning. In a recent post by user ‘Overturtled’, a fellow gamer sought advice from the community. The indecisive summoner confessed difficulty in sticking to a singular role and encouraged others to share their main roles and reasons behind them.


  • A high number of ADC players reflected an attraction to the challenges and unique gameplay it offers
  • Comments reveal a common trend of players assuming roles others typically shy away from, particularly Jungle and Support
  • The motivations for main roles varied, spanning from character affinity to role dynamics and personal interest

Role Selection Dynamics

Thread contributor ‘YasaiTsume’ shared, citing their preference for Jungle and Support roles. These roles are often less popular and require specific game knowledge. YasaiTsume reveals that their tendency for these roles originated from often being last to choose during the pick order. While they might have initially been forced into these roles, their foundation has now solidified there.

Character Preference Influencing Role Choice

‘AtWorkAccount1’ openly embraces the ADC role, despite the purported challenges it presents. They express a fondness to a character, Jhin, specifically the satisfying sniping mechanic that character offers. ‘TheBluestMan’, strictly mid, curates their experience through the avoidance of Support, recounting multiple occasions of being blamed for ADC’s mishaps while roaming.

Masochism and Self Deprecation

Humorously, a number of ADC players, such as ‘Lewisk012’ and ‘Viperboy_74’, lightheartedly associated the role with masochism, referring to the abuse players endure in the tough bot lane. Self-deprecating humor seems to be a prevalent coping mechanism in the face of the challenge associated with this role.

After delving into a rich array of experiences and views, it’s evident that the diversity in characters and roles in League of Legends offers unique experiences that resonate differently with each player. From choosing difficulty for the love of the game, to settling into a role out of necessity, the selection of a main role truly shapes each players journey. Whether it’s committing to a challenging ADC role or mastering support in response to a pick order, our summoners have found their homes on the battlefield.