The Skinny on Drax in Fortnite: Why Fans Are Questioning His Physique

Find out why Drax's physique in Fortnite is sparking conversations among fans.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are abuzz with theories surrounding Drax’s skinny appearance in the game. What’s the deal with everyone’s favorite muscular Guardian of the Galaxy suddenly looking like he missed leg day?


  • Users speculate about Drax’s drastic change in physique, drawing comparisons to other in-game characters.
  • Some fans question the lack of muscle definition on Drax, expressing disappointment over the design.
  • Conversations range from humorous observations to serious discussions on the lore behind Drax’s appearance.

Speculations and Comparisons

Many users jokingly suggest that Drax’s slim physique is due to him representing their wallets after purchasing in-game items. Others compare him to popular characters like Meowscles and Peter Griffin, questioning the definition of ‘skinny’ in the game.

The Lore and Disappointment

Some players believe there must be a deeper lore reason for Drax’s sudden change, while others express disappointment over the lack of muscle mass on the character, feeling that the design doesn’t stay true to Drax’s known physique.

Muscle Loss and Empty Images

From theories about Drax not having time to work out to confusion over missing images of the character, users delve into various reasons for Drax’s new appearance in the game. Additionally, speculations about the character’s portrayal being based on the video game version add another layer to the discussion.

In a world where superheroes and warriors are expected to showcase their strength and power, the community’s scrutiny over Drax’s physique sheds light on the importance of character consistency and player expectations in Fortnite. Whether it’s a design choice, a lore-driven decision, or simply a glitch, the conversations surrounding Drax’s skinny look reflect the deep investment and passion fans have for the game’s intricate details and character portrayals.