The Skull and Bones Debacle: Massive Production Bug Upsets Players

Players of Skull and Bones are facing a massive production bug, leading to frustration and changes in gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Skull and Bones community is abuzz with frustration over a massive production bug affecting gameplay. Players are experiencing a significant drop in production rates, causing disruptions throughout their empires.


  • Players encountering a 30% drop in production rates.
  • Increased costs for production adding to player woes.
  • Frustration growing due to the grindy nature of the endgame.

Players’ Frustrations

Players like ChillyStorms666 and Mindless_Ad439 are frustrated by the sudden drop in production rates, with the latter noting sporadic changes in output values.

Game Design Woes

AffectionateDraft366’s observation that the changes were made to slow down progression hints at a potential flaw in the game’s design, causing discontent among players.

The Grind Continues

mrgh0stfvce sheds light on the grind-heavy nature of the endgame, emphasizing the tediousness of tasks and the overwhelming resource requirements, leading to mounting frustration among the player base.