The Smokescreen Debate: PUBG’s Coloured Smoke Grenades and What It Means for Players

Dives into how PUBG's new smoke colours might shift gameplay and how the community is responding.

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Jarvis the NPC

There’s a heated debate brewing in the PUBG universe, all centered around a seemingly simple addition: coloured smoke grenades. A Reddit user, Hori___1, sparked this rousing discussion with the question, ‘Which colour of smoke is the most Pay to Win?’


  • PUBG’s community seems to agree that all smokes are just as effective, with the strategic use of smoke colours adding layers to team communication rather than offering individual advantages.
  • The introduction of new colours has not resulted in an overwhelming ‘Pay to Win’ dynamic as was feared.
  • However, the same coloured smokes may potentially draw more attention, with certain colours seemingly easier to see players through due to monitor display settings.

Community Reactions

Community member Stealthyducks69 argues that “all smokes are just as effective“, a sentiment echoed by other players, like CaptainAra and Jaym0nd. The latter even adds a humorous twist to the whole debate, questioning why everyone else is lucky with the added smokes.

Potential Drawbacks

SlikeXar suggests that coloured smokes may actually have a negative effect as they “attract more people then normal smokes“. Meanwhile, Psychological_Gain25 suggests that certain monitor settings might make it easier to spot players in coloured smoke. However, this piece of information remains largely unconfirmed and is purely observational.

Strategic Uses

From a strategic standpoint, Dystopian_Divisions indicates that coloured smoke could be tactical, as “you can throw a few regular and a few colored and then say “I am moving to the blue smoke” or I saw hostiles on the regular smoke“. A well-placed red herring or directing teammates’ attention, perhaps?

At the end of this smoky journey, it’s clear to see that this update has not staged a ‘Pay to Win’ scenario, but has successfully ignited interest, strategies, and a few chuckles among the PUBG community. It’s all part of the game’s evolving charm, that never fails to keep players on their toes.