The Soul of Call of Duty: Ghosts – A Throwback to the Game That Still Fuels Fires Today

A look back at Call of Duty: Ghosts paints a community divided, yet linked by a shared, intense sentiment.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the annals of Call of Duty history, the release of ‘Ghosts’ tends to stir up a backlash. The post in consideration reminisces about the game with a less than flattering tone, yet the response from the community is exceptionally diverse.


  • The subreddit community expressed both disdain and affection for Ghosts, indicating that the game’s legacy is a subject of intense debate.
  • Many users highlight improvements in subsequent versions of Call of Duty, suggesting the perceived quality of Ghosts has been tainted by following COD releases.
  • The community’s attachment to specific features, maps, and characters from Ghosts denotes the game’s lasting impact.

Nostalgic or Not?

Ghost was great. I will never understand why people hated it‘, writes Deep_Grass_6250, while Dabadibadooba mourns the ‘massive amounts of soul‘ lost in today’s games. This blink-and-miss-it nostalgia for Ghosts hints at a longing for some elements from the game, now absent in recent titles.

Features That Stood the Test of Time

BelBivDaHoe reminisces about the ‘great map‘ Strikezone, and three-sense praises the transformative maps and “Intel Pickup” during a match in Ghosts. These nostalgic remarks suggest a yearning for the game’s unique features.

From Outlaws to Heroes

The character Rourke, according to oddball3139, seems to have staged the greatest comeback since Lazarus. In a comment expressing disbelief, oddball3139 writes, ‘Rourke living after being shot…he just rises from the ocean and drags you off.’ While subtle, the universality of Call of Duty players’ frustration with invincible characters is well-captured.

Through a sea of fiery critiques and unexpected praises, one thing is clear – Call of Duty: Ghosts may have been a polarizing release, but it sure as heck left a lasting impact. Love it or hate it, the Ghosts thread is a haunting that the Call of Duty community seems nowhere ready to exorcise.