The State of Hydro 5*s in Genshin Impact Unveiled: Where Do They Stand?

Exploring the sentiments around hydro characters in Genshin Impact - the good, the bad, and the missing.

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring the sentiments around hydro characters in Genshin Impact can be like navigating through a maze of opinions and insights.


  • Hydro units bring unique utility to the game, emphasizing support roles over sheer damage-dealing capacities.
  • The comparison between limited and standard 5-star characters reveals interesting trends across different regions and updates.
  • The community expresses disappointment over the absence of a 5-star Hydro Claymore character.

Sporty_Starfish’s Take

Hydro characters shine in their supportive roles, offering versatility beyond pure damage outputs. This distinction sets them apart amidst the Genshin Impact character roster, catering to strategic gameplay.

kamyu4’s Insight

Reflecting on the limited 5-star characters released in various updates sheds light on the evolving nature of character distributions. The disparity in numbers raises questions about future releases and player expectations.

odl3xd’s Disappointment

The absence of a Hydro Claymore character remains a sore point for many players, highlighting a perceived gap in character diversity within the game. The community eagerly anticipates such an addition to the roster.

The discussion and speculations surrounding hydro characters in Genshin Impact illustrate the community’s keen interest in character diversity and gameplay mechanics. Players express both appreciation for the existing hydro units’ unique abilities and a desire for greater representation across different character types and playstyles. The ongoing conversations and debates within the subreddit reflect a passionate player base invested in the game’s evolving content and character releases.