The State This Sub Is In: Last Epoch Community Discussion

Exploring the sentiments within the Last Epoch community on Reddit. Is it all bees or offline mode bliss?

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch, a time-traveling ARPG that continues to evolve, faces scrutiny within its Reddit community. Let’s uncover the buzz.


  • Players debate online vs. offline gameplay for a seamless experience.
  • Global chat’s importance highlighted amidst connection concerns.
  • Community divided on the significance of online play in Last Epoch.

Bees and Blasting to 100

In a whimsical exchange, a player’s excitement about leveling to 100 is met with the comical mention of bees, depicting the community’s vibrant banter and diverse playstyles.

Offline Mode Comfort

Offline enthusiasts share their contentment with the game’s offline mode, emphasizing the lack of disparity compared to online play, showcasing the satisfaction derived from solitary gameplay.

Global Chat Delight

A suggestion to switch to offline mode brings attention to the presence of global chat, underlining its value even in the offline setting and catering to players’ inclinations for connectivity within Last Epoch.