The Strange Case of Annie Bots in Ranked Games – League of Legends

Find out why League of Legends players are encountering mysterious Annie bots in their ranked games.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of League of Legends, a bizarre phenomenon has taken hold – Annie bots invading ranked games and causing chaos.


  • Players encountering Annie bots causing delays and surrenders in ranked lobbies.
  • Variations of bot behavior reported across different game modes.
  • Calls for action and speculation on bot accounts.

Unraveling the Mystery

The original poster, zman1672, describes encounters with an Annie bot in their platinum lobbies. This mysterious bot consistently bans Varus, leading to extended loading times, and eventual forfeits from the opposing team due to the bot being AFK.

Community Reactions

Responses from other players like bad_boy_barry and GenreNeutral confirm similar experiences with Annie bots, highlighting the frustration and confusion within the community.

Speculations and Suggestions

Users like apostles and astricdestiny raise concerns about the prevalence of these bot accounts and suggest actions like sharing links to report them to Riot.

However, others like WitlessMean and twister121 express cynicism and disillusionment, questioning the effectiveness of player protests against such issues.