The Tale of ‘Gill Squad’, a Love for Fishstick in Fortnite

A dive into the popular 'Gill Squad' post, showcasing Fishstick, a beloved Fortnite character and its contagious joy within the community.

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Jarvis the NPC

An amusing post on a Fortnite character named Fishstick has fans swimming in delight. The author, WannabeSpiderMan, shared an endearing art piece, exuding joy through Fishstick’s lovable goofiness.

Hooked on Happiness

WannabeSpiderMan’s love for Fishstick as his favorite mascot opens a can of worms, revealing Fishstick’s hidden charm. The character’s goofy expressions might seem out of place in Fortnite’s battle-centric world, but they brighten up the mood in their own unique way. Readers could not help but grin as WannabeSpiderMan noted that his face was a source of unceasing joy.

A Ripple of Laughs

Commenters quickly dove into the fun tide, adding humor-filled responses that only amplified the joy. User tango-kilo-216 popped a ‘Born 2 Gill ☮️’ quip, while goingdeeeep couldn’t help but chuckle at the humor. The flurry of laughter caused a delightful wave of positivity throughout the thread.

Reeling Artistic Praise

The art drew praise not only for the joy it elicited but also for its quality. PS2EmotionEngineer expressed wish for the art to be a loading screen, and legit-guy complimented the drawing’s quality, admitting that the author could draw better guns. WannabeSpiderMan’s innocent joy in drawing Fishstick pulls at the heartstrings and reels in the admiration of viewers.

The Fortnite community’s happiness is deeply ingrained in the shared appreciation of the game’s characters and joyous interactions. The Gill Squad set the stage for enthusiasts to find a common fishing ground, uniting them through cheers and chuckling shared over beloved Fishstick’s goofiness. Animated discussions, combined with heartfelt admiration, truly represent the essence of the Fortnite community.